Mcdermid Couloir January 25, 2021

Jen Goodale, Mikel Witlox and I headed out from Fernie to ski the Mcdermid Couloirs early Sunday morning. Leaving town, we started at an undisclosed location cutting our approach time significantly.

Currently, Fernie is in a bit of a snow drought with some subpar snow conditions. We planned to get above 2000m in hopes the snow would be better. Taking the sleds up as far as we could and then changed over to skis. Finding the snow quality improved as we gained elevation.

 Once we gained the ridge things looked very promising and when we reached the line, we were all pretty excited. Mikey dropped first and had a playful line top to bottom. I dropped and skied halfway and pulled off to the side. Jen then dropped skiing top to bottom with some nice aggressive turns. Then I followed to the bottom

Once at the bottom we headed back up to descend to the sleds. This turned into a bit of an adventure with some serious alder bashing. We were all pretty happy to reach the sleds. All in all, a great day.

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